A modern seed drill places seeds directly in the soil with as little disruption to the soil as possible to encourage the seed to take root. A plough cuts through the earth as the drill moves forwards, leaving an even furrow, after which the seed hopper drops seeds one at a time into the furrow from its reservoir of seeds. At the back of the seed drill, a harrow pushes soil back onto the seeds, leaving them covered in the ground.
Cultivation Work and Drilling
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Cultivation work refers to the agricultural service that prepares your land for planting. This is often done through a method called tilling the land, that is usually used to prepare for the planting of large vegetable garden or crops. This can seem like a mammoth task and can be difficult to complete with a reduced team, even across a small acreage. Therefore recruiting farming services from agricultural service providers, such as AWSM Farming, can vastly increase the turnaround of your project.
Cultivation work requires the use of cultivators to ensure that soil types and conditions are catered for effectively and producing the best results for the farm land. There are some different ways to cultivate land, which will change depending on if the soil is already suitable for planting or if this non-agricultural land.
Our Cultivators
At AWSM Farming, our agricultural services encompass a full range of cultivators, which are available, accompanied by an experienced farming professional if necessary. Our cultivators are available to suit all soil options and types of farming work.
Vaderstad Topdown
Our Vaderstad Topdown is fitted with a set of discs, auto reset legs, some levelling star wheel disc, and a steel packer to the rear. This can be used with a variety of width points and wings to suit a variety of soil conditions. An optional Biodrill can be mounted on the back of the cultivator; this will allow seed that is dropped in front of the rear packer to pick up oil seed rape in one pass, which is useful when timings of sowing are critical.
Vaderstad Carrier
Our Vaderstad Carrier comes equipped with a set of discs, a levelling board and a steel packer roller on the back of the machine. This cultivator has proven to be useful following agricultural services such as ploughing. This cultivator is particularly effective in medium conditions, in order to prepare a seedbed for the Vaderstad Rapid Drill. It can also be used to improve conditions ahead of the use of a combination drill, which can rapidly increase farming work rates. This cultivator can be used to cultivate stubbles; this allows farmers to extract a chit of the plants in order to create a stale seedbed.
Vaderstad Rexius Twin Press
Our Vaderstad Rexius Twin Press machine is equipped with heavy duty levelling board and a heavy duty twin cast ring press, to the back. This cultivator is the ideal choice for shaping heavy land and ploughing this into the correct shape for future drilling activity.
Terratech 3 Leg Auto-Reset Subsoiler
The Terratech Subsoiler is equipped with three auto reset legs, which are spaced at 100 cm and fitted with the same points as the Sumo Subsoiler. This cultivator is followed by a heavy duty packer roller. The machinery can be operated at a range of depths, up to and including 45 cm, which is dependant on where the compaction area lies.
Our agricultural services include the optional use of a Dickie John Penetrometer, which can be used to assess compaction depths when required. This cultivator is ideal for sorting compaction, following inclement or damp conditions, particularly after long bouts of storms and rain.
AWSM Farming has a number of ploughs available to cater to your agricultural service requirements. We currently have five Furrow varying width ploughs, which are all completed with auto-reset bodies. All of our ploughs can be operated by a medium-sized tractor and are suitable and manoeuvrable enough to cater to an average or medium-sized field.
Our drilling services are available to cater for the accurate dispersion of seeds for optimum crop growth. Our drilling machinery allows for accurate measurement to ensure an equal distribution of the seeds and makes the overall process quicker and more effective. We can cater for both large-scale or smaller scale drilling requirements.
All drilling agricultural services are carried out through the use of tractors fitted with floatation tyres. Our fitted GPS automatic steering systems provide an accurate to within 5cm overlap, which provides our customers with tramlines that are reduced to a minimum. The subsequent application of fertiliser and spray applications can then be applied more accurately due to less overlap.
Amazone Combination Drill
To cater for a variety of agricultural services, we offer a 3m or 4m Power Harrow combination drilling. Our most recent addition to our collection of drilling machinery is the Amazone Combination Drill. This drill comes equipped with heavy-duty disc coulters, these allow even seed depth placement, regardless of the soil type, meaning it is effective in even the tough soil conditions.
Vaderstad Rapid RD400s
The Vaderstad Rapid RD400S is capable of providing coverage across vast acreage, ideal for large farming properties and more extensive agricultural services. The machine is fitted, on the front, with system discs, which allow this drill to be used either directly or following a plow or cultivating machinery. This machine also allows farmers to perform slot seeding of grass if required.
How did the seed drill improve farming?
The seed drill improved farming and the efficiency of the planting seeds. Before the seed drill, seeds would be planted by hand, either pushed into the soil or thrown on top. As many didn’t take root, being able to plant seeds quickly and without damaging the soil surface increased the yield of crops significantly. While the original seed drill may look very different from today’s version, the application is very much the same.