With our own inhouse spreading teams and support from reliable subcontractors we have a vast range of precision application spreading equipment and Teams to meet the demand and individual farm requirements. This ensures digestate is applied following best practise application methods and at times when crops can optimise the nutrients applied.
Digestate Management
AWSM has been supporting Anaerobic Digestion plants and industry for over 10 years and have a growing AD client base across the UK.
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Increasingly, AD technology is being used in the UK to utilise feedstocks by turning them into a renewable energy source and nutrient-rich fertilisers. AWSM has a proven track record in the delivery of practical and cost effective digestate management services for all types and scales of AD projects.
AWSM have unrivalled knowledge and experience regarding digestate management and are committed to providing complete digestate management solutions to our client base.

AWSM Digestate Management Services
To ensure uninterrupted service of our clients AD Plants and allow them to be able to affirm their compliance, sustainability and efficiency credentials to all their stakeholders including regulators, AWSM offer a wide range of support services, including but not limited to:
Digestate Off-Take
With a growing portfolio of contracted AD Plants across the UK, AWSM currently removes in excess of 750,000 tonnes / year of digestate from AD plants to farm. With a growing fleet, currently comprising over 30 tankers, AWSM has the transport capacity and storage infrastructure to transport digestate 365 days a year.
Digestate Storage Solutions
The effective management of digestate is complex in terms of the volume of digestate produced and available storage capacity, demand for spreading at any moment in time.
AWSM continuously track production v demand while accounting for the capacity and stocks of digestate within our storage network. On this basis, AWSM is able to offer a variety of tried and tested storage solutions, all of which can be individually tailored to match client requirements.
Digestate Application
Nutrient Management Plans
Members of the AWSM Environmental Consultancy team are FACTS qualified and routinely ensure clients maximise the effectiveness of their fertiliser, thus enabling them to demonstrate best farming practice in line with both their statutory and legal responsibilities. In particular the team has much experience providing current and pragmatic advice to clients farming within Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZ), to demonstrate full compliance.
Farming Rules for Water Documentation
The Environmental Consultancy Team (link to consultancy page) at AWSM support clients when navigating the Farming Rules for Water and implement systems to demonstrate compliance with the Rules set, which when appropriate farmers must align with.
The AWSM Team
The Transport and Environment Management Teams oversee the Digestate Management Services provided by AWSM. The services we provide ensure the reliable and consistent removal of digestate from AD plants to our network of stores and ultimately spreading teams, for application to land as a nutrient rich fertiliser.
This ensures uninterrupted operation of the AD plant, allowing AD Investors and Plant Managers to focus on maximising the profitability of their AD Plant.