Deployment Applications
AWSM provides bespoke support to clients from the initial screening and assessment of the suitability of materials and receiving land / crops to preparing successful deployment applications.
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The AWSM team can support all aspects of the deployment application process, which requires the following detail as a minimum, to ensure a successful application outcome:
- Sampling and interpretive analysis of materials and soils
- LPD1 Applications Forms
- Agricultural Benefit Statements
- Field Maps and Sensitive Receptor Plans
- Collation of Supporting Waste and Soil Analysis Results
- Site Specific Environmental Risk Assessments
AWSM Recycling Ltd specialise in the recycling of waste and by-products to land. Given our farming background and expert staff, we have an unrivalled expertise in all aspects of this specialised area. Furthermore, AWSM apply wastes and by-products to our own farm land to replace artificial fertilisers and thus see the benefits of recovering these materials for agricultural benefit first hand.

Deployment Compliance Management and Support
AWSM holds Environmental Permits for the storage of and land spreading of materials to land for agricultural benefit. These Permits are managed by our in house WAMITAB and FACTS qualified team. In addition to our own Permits, AWSM provide Environmental Consultancy services to holders of land spread Permits and land managers to ensure ongoing compliance with their Permits and Deployments.
The Consultancy Service delivered by the team include:
- Development and Implementation of Environmental Management Systems to ensure compliance with Land Spread Permits / Exemptions (add link to EMS page)
- WAMITAB / Technical Competent Manager (TCM) Cover (add link to WAMITAB / TCM Page)
- Submission of Waste Returns.
- Production and Maintenance of Nutrient Management Plans.
- Development of Land Spread Contingency Plans.
- Notification of Deployments and Record Keeping.
- Staff mentoring and training.
- Attendance on farm / site during Regulatory audits.
Partnering with AWSM will ensure that Land Spread Permits and Deployments are effectively managed and protocols are in place to ensure the necessary records are maintained to demonstrate compliance with Environmental Regulations.

Background Information
An environmental permit or waste exemption is needed to supply, store or use waste material and for some activities, a specific deployment is needed to spread the waste. Having an agreed deployment means that the material has been assessed to make sure that it provides an agricultural benefit at a specific location and application rate whilst not harming the environment.
Any person or business accepting waste are bound by a ‘duty of care’ to ensure that the waste they are accepting meets the necessary legal requirements. If material is not as described on the deployment, associated waste transfer note, permit or exemption, the material should not be accepted onto farm / site.
Depositing unsuitable materials onto farmland could leave you with expensive clean-up costs, or even facing prosecution.