Training and WAMITAB TCM

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    TCM Coverage

    AWSM team members hold Technically Competent Manager (TCM) status via the CIWM / WAMITAB training scheme. Certificates held by the AWSM team cover a range of waste activities, including:

    • Land Spreading
    • Non-Hazardous Waste Storage
    • Non-Hazardous Waste Treatment
    • Anaerobic Digestion

    The holder of an Environmental Permit must demonstrate that they have the technical competence to carry out the activity they are Permitted for. This competence is required to demonstrate that staff know how to:

    • Operate the necessary equipment
    • Comply with the law and government policies
    • Minimise risk and the impact of your activity on people and the environment

    In most cases it is possible to demonstrate competence by implementing a robust Environmental Management System (EMS). Operators carrying out an activity that involves involving the recovery, treatment or disposal of waste must also be a member of a government approved scheme.

    AWSM can assist when demonstrating compliance with competency requirements:

    • Through development and implementation of an Environmental Management System
    • Employing AWSM to provide site TCM coverage AWSM team members are TCM accredited for a range of activities status via a government approved scheme
    • Mentor client’s staff through training schemes to obtain the necessary qualifications

    It is important to note Regulators are now able to track whether sites comply with a competency scheme through the data submitted within the site operator’s waste returns. Failure to comply with TCM requirements can lead to regulators taking enforcement action against the site operator.

    Environmental Training

    With other 15 years of industry experience across multiple sectors, the AWSM Consultancy team are well placed and happy to develop and deliver bespoke. Environmental training packages to help your business understand Environmental Regulatory Requirements.

    The AWSM Consultancy team have successfully delivered training packages and events including:

    • Technical Management Team training
    • Individual / group operative training
    • Stakeholder training days hosted at AWSM offices
    • On site training
    • Host onsite visit days for Regulators to improve their understand land spreading operations