Why should you consider digestate storage or slurry tanks?

The benefits and cost savings associated with digestate have been increasingly documented over the past few years. Utilising digestate spreading over compound fertiliser has been found to allow farmers to gain more grazing days where they have utilised a modern method of application.
Research carried out by Farming Connect sought out to evaluate the benefits of digestate spreading for grass production, over bagged fertiliser, with the results proving that utilising digestate injection close to the roots of the plants could result in a boosted amount of growth and substantial cost savings to the farmer.
Although liquid and solid digestate are utilised in different ways, both continue to yield great results, with the liquid part offering seemingly immediate effects in some case. For farmers using this method to apply to their winter cereal crops, for example, they noticed considerably boosted results in growth. The solid digestate, on the other hand, is often applied beneath spring crops and offers a much-needed kick to the roots, with seasonal progress evidently increasing in line with the introduction of digestate spreading.
Storing digestate effectively
In order to optimise digestate storage, so that you are able to apply it at the optimum time to your crops, it is crucial to install a proper digestate storage tank or system, which will keep the product away from rain or contaminates.
The expansion of anaerobic digestion plants across the UK has stemmed an increase in safe and flexible digestate storage solutions and systems. Slurry and digestate storage systems require either a temporary or permanent tank or lagoon, complete with a floating cover or stirrer, which is fitted to your specifications on site.
There are multiple benefits to installing a bespoke digestate storage tank, including access to a unique digestate storage system, that is built specifically to meet the needs of your farm and agricultural needs. For more information ways to store slurry specifically, head to our slurry storage page.
When considering a digestate storage tank, it is important to remember that tanks come in a range of capacities and sizes, therefore you will be able to ensure your product is the right size and shape to meet your needs. They are also relatively quick and easy to erect, with our agricultural service offering including full installation. Many models do not require planning and can be created anywhere on your land, ensuring that you have easy access to your liquid slurries, digestate or liquid manures to complete your farming processes, at all times.
AWSM digestate storage solutions
AWSM digestate storage solutions are lined with foils, which are available in different thicknesses and strength, to ensure that we can create the storage tank or lagoon that fits your specific needs exactly. All of our digestate storage and slurry solution systems are completed to the highest standard, and meet EA and SEPA requirement for the storage of liquid manures and digestates.