Leap into action with agricultural contracting this spring

Now that the spring equinox is behind us, we’re entering that wonderful time of year where the nights will be getting shorter, the days longer and the weather, (hopefully) warmer.
Spring is a significant time of year for farmers. Not only are many farmers now welcoming new life (now that the calving and lambing seasons are well underway), the longer days are great for increasing productivity and preparing arable land for the summer months.
Every year, AWSM Farming provides farmers and landowners across the nation with teams of agricultural contractors, to help keep farms operating smoothly during arguably the busiest period of the year.
Here are some of the jobs that our teams of farming contractors are more than well-equipped to deal with:
Farming contractors make cultivation work and drilling easy
Cultivation work refers to the agricultural services that can be carried out in order to prepare arable land for planting. One of our most common ways of carrying this out is through a method called ‘tilling the land’. This is usually used to prepare for the planting of large garden vegetables, or other crops, like wheat.
There are many different ways to cultivate arable land, primarily through the use of cultivators. When appropriately used, cultivators can help optimise production on the land, helping to guarantee ROI for the farmer. Cultivation methods can also be adapted to best suit the needs of the soil. Agricultural contractors are also able to recommend best practices for future seed sowing.
At AWSM Farming, our teams of farming contractors are qualified to operate heavy machinery, like ploughs and cultivators, that are designed to cater to your agricultural service requirements. When paired with our more specialist equipment, like our range of Vaderstad machines (including the Rapid RD400s, for efficient sowing) and Amazone Combination Drill (that can help achieve optimum seed sowing in harsh soil conditions), our teams of agricultural contractors are able to tailor our machinery to best suit the needs of your land.
Agricultural contractors can cater to all your spreading needs
Fertilising, slurry spreading and digestate solutions are all critical to the development of crops and healthy yields. Introducing a natural or artificial substance into the soil aims to improve or enhance its natural fertility. For more information about the digestate solutions offered by our agricultural contracting teams, read our blog on spreading for success this year.
In addition to traditional spreading methods – either using slurry or artificial fertilisers – we also offer lime spreading to those with suitable land. Lime spreading consists of the application of naturally occurring quarried lime, and can provide the land with many potential benefits to both grasslands and arable land, while increasing the pH of acidic soils, and improving water penetration. If you’re wanting to utilise lime spreading on your land this spring, one of our farming contractors will be able to advise you how to proceed.
At AWSM Farming, we apply our fertilisers using a KRM Bogballe Spreader, which comes equipped with weight cells to ensure even distribution within the soil, while our farming contracting teams can simultaneously calibrate the machinery to best suit the needs of the land. We are also able to work with our agricultural contracting teams to provide the best equipment to suit the needs of the area.
To summarise…
For many farmers, spring is one of the busiest times of the year. For many, choosing to utilise farming contractors can be a crucial way of effectively distributing the workload while encouraging productivity and being able to best advise on how to proceed with agricultural activities.