3 agricultural contracting services you should invest in this summer

With the summer months fast approaching, attention will soon turn to core harvesting and utilising the right machinery to ensure that no crops are lost.
With this being said, now might be the best time to consider investing in an agricultural contracting service to carry out your farming needs, so you can rest assured that your requirements are met to the highest standards. In the summer especially, certain services will ensure that your farm is prepared for the higher temperatures.
We’ve compiled a list of three agricultural contracting services that we believe are critical to maintaining your crops and optimising your harvest this summer.
Soil sampling
Soil sampling is the process whereby an amount of soil is sent to a lab to be tested based on its chemical, physical and biological properties, as well as its nutrient content. Soil sampling can also determine the pH levels of the soil alongside humus content, available lime, complete sulphur content and total calcium carbonate.
When it comes to agricultural contracting this summer, investing in a soil sampling service will allow you to discover the levels of available nutrients in your soil. The benefit of this is that you will be able to accurately determine which crops would yield the best growth in your soil, which in turn will improve your harvest.
Here at AWSM Farming, we create a GPS soil map of your land, using our satellite-guided handheld GPS unit to map the field accurately. We then provide a report that shows the points where samples will be obtained, which will ensure that we extract a true representation of the soil. From here, soil samples are sent away for laboratory analysis and results can be back within ten days of samples being taken. For more information about our services, visit our soil sampling page.
Fertiliser spreading
Fertiliser works to enhance the natural fertility of your soil through the addition of natural or artificial substances. While traditional fertiliser is typically made up of manure and compost, modern chemical fertilisers can include nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium to develop your soil and crops.
As summer is the optimum time for core harvesting, ensuring that your soil is prepared to yield crops in a way that meets your requirements is critical, and enlisting the help of professionals can ensure that you have the best solution in place.
At AWSM Farming, our professional team applies fertiliser using a KRM Bogballe Spreader, which allows for a variable rate application to ensure that your harvest gains the highest yield possible. For more information about our spreading services, visit our fertiliser spreading page.
Manure spreading
As well as fertiliser spreading, investing in an agricultural contracting service to carry out manure spreading can help to ensure that your soil is prepared for the summer months.
Manure spreading allows you to regulate the fertility of your soil and take steps to maintain it in order to grow healthy crops. It is essential to identify the correct type of fertiliser as well as the right type of manure spreader to optimise your harvest.
AWSM Farming offers the spreading of farm service manure, with our manure spreaders ranging from Vertical beater K Two Rear Discharge Spreaders to Challenger Terragators with Tebbe spreading bodies, complete with built-in weight cells. For more information, visit our manure spreading page.
To summarise…
Investing in agricultural contracting services can save you time and money this summer. At AWSM, our friendly and experienced farming contractors will provide a service that meets your requirements, allowing you to focus on maximising your harvest in the warm weather.
AWSM Farming can offer farmers and landowners alike with teams of contractors to serve all of your farming needs. For more information about how we can help you, contact AWSM Farming today.