Farming safety during Autumn & Winter

Farming can be a hazardous occupation and accounts for about 19% of the reported fatal injuries each year. In particular, the main types of accidents on farms usually involve vehicles and machinery, falls from heights, lifting and handling and hazardous substances. You can reduce the chance of problems occurring, with careful attention to the health and safety rules that govern farming and employing professional farming services and agricultural services. Moreover, Autumn and Winter can be unsafe at times due to the cold weather, strong winds, dim lighting and icy conditions. So, it’s advised to consider your farming safety processes, ahead of the colder seasons.
Dress in layers
Winter in England can be horrendously cold, so keeping your body temperatures up is essential. One of the best ways to keep yourself warm is by wearing plenty of layers, which will still allow you to move effectively, but keep you warm whilst working in sheds and fields.
Start early
If you have a less favourable task that you have been delaying, start it as soon as possible as the weather will only get worse through the next few months. Additionally, if you find yourself with a task that will take a long period of time, it’s best to begin it as soon as possible, before the long nights begin to draw in and the sun begins to dip around 4pm. Moreover, if you feel you need more completed in a day consider employing professional farming service providers, to support you with skills and a spare pair of hands.
Safety equipment
There are essential items a farmer should carry in case of emergencies. The equipment should include a general first aid kit, a swiss army knife, a headlamp or torch and a mobile phone. Moreover, as it gets into harsher weather make a note of anything you may think would come in handy and add to your basic kit, to ensure you’re never caught in a difficult situation.
Be aware of the weather
Not only should you be checking forecasts daily, but you also need to be monitoring hourly forecasts and preempting any harsh weather changes that may be on its way. The changes in climate can cause issues with accessibility, visibility and mobility issues.
Remember it’s important to let someone know where you’ll be working throughout the day. In case of an accident, someone will know your whereabouts, preventing risk of hyperthermia. Moreover, if you are hiring help for your farming services, you can create a schedule, including times and locations, to ensure everyone knows the location of individuals and teams throughout the day.
Invest in good working attire
All of those operating within farming services should own good waterproof jackets, trousers and boots. Furthermore, an insulated jacket, hats, gloves and eye protection will always be a wise investment for when the weather begins to get colder.
Watch your step!
Weather conditions can bring on uneven ground, such as ice and deep mud pits, so be sure to salt or sand your work areas to avoid slips and falls. During winter you may need to take things slower, remember, this is fine as the amount of time you would need to take off if you did obtain an injury would be a huge difference and greatly hinder your farming processes.
The National Pig Association autumn regional meetings start this month, with a high focus on farm safety. There will be four evening meetings, starting with Exeter on October 4, followed by Diss on October 12, Newbury on October 18 and York on October 23.
At AWSM Farming Ltd, we strive to offer farming services that promote sustainable and safe farming efforts, ensure the well-being of livestock and promote the importance of worker wellbeing within farms. If you want to know more about farming services and sustainability, then get in touch with us.